Unable to see document/invoice

Here are the most common issues that can cause problems when opening an invoice in SMACC.

User cannot see all invoices for which he/she is responsible

Check if the view permissions for the user are completely set up.

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Document access
  3. Check in which groups the user is included. If the user is not included in all the groups in which the user must be included, add the user.
  4. Click Save

How do I know which groups the user needs to be in?

Open the Worklow configuration (Main menu/Company/Approval processes) Check in which workflows the user has been entered as an approver. The user must have a view authorization for these workflows. You can also give the user view permission for workflows in which he is not entered as an approver.

The user has received an email notification about a new task, clicking on the link results in an error message

Instructions for administrators:

The first step is to find out in which workflow the document is located that the user cannot open. In the email you will find the sender of the invoice and the invoice number. Search for the invoice in the document overview.

Note: If you cannot find the document, it may have been deleted in the meantime. Please search then in the area “deleted. If the document is deleted, approval is no longer possible.

Please check if the user has view permission for the workflow

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Document access
  3. Check if the user has view permission for the workflow.

The user has received an email notification about a new message, clicking on the link will result in an error message.

Instructions for administrators:

The first step is to find out in which workflow the document is located that the user cannot open. In the email you will find the sender of the invoice and the invoice number. Search for the invoice in the document overview.

Note: If you cannot find the document, it may have been deleted in the meantime. Please search then in the area “deleted. If the document is deleted, approval is no longer possible.

Please check if the user has view permission for the workflow

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Document access
  3. Check if the user has view permission for the workflow.