How to: Delete a User

Note: If you want to temporarily disable a user’s access, you only need to remove the assigned roles.

If you want to delete a user permanently, please follow the steps below:

  • If the user has been assigned invoice approval tasks in the workflow configuration, remove the user or assign the task to another user.

    1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
    2. Select Approval processes
  • Open the “User overview” to see if the user currently has open tasks.

    1. Click Approval Overview

    If the user still has open tasks you have 3 options:

      - Option 1: Set up a substitution for the user to be deleted. The substitute (one or more other users) will then see the invoices in their open tasks and can approve them by substitution. 
      As soon as all open invoices of the user to be deleted have been approved, you can remove the user.
          1. Open the company settings (main menu/Custom fields). 
          2. Select **Alias**
      - Option 2: Restart the invoices for which the approval of the user to be deleted is pending. The restart will allow the documents to be applied to the new configuration of the workflow in which the individual invoice is located. For this option, it is essential that the user to be deleted is replaced or removed in the workflow configuration first.  
      **Note:** The restart will reset any approvals that may have already been made, even by other users, and will require them to be approved again.  
      - Option 3: Forward the invoices for which the approval of the user to be deleted is pending to another workflow or to the same one (already changed).
      Forwarding allows the invoice to apply the now modified configuration of the workflow, which no longer includes the user to be deleted.  
      **Note:** This option can be used by the current approver of the invoice. To do this, click on "Forward" instead of "Approve" and select another workflow or the same one again in the dropdown.

Permanent delete of the user:

  1. Open the company settings (main menu/client).
  2. Select Users
  3. Select the user to be deleted
  4. Click Delete