Budget alarm

With this feature you can keep an eye on your expenses. Track live how much budget you still have available or if the budget has already been used up. The budget alarm is based on your individual fields like cost centers, dimensions or project numbers. If you have activated a budget alarm, it will be displayed live in your dashboard. How to activate a budget alarm

Open the configuration interface:

  1. open the company settings (main menu/client).

  2. select Notifications

  3. click on Notifications

  4. select Budget Alarm

Create Budget Alarm:

  1. click on the Add button

  2. choose if your individual field is on document level or on accounting record

  3. select the desired individual field

  4. enter the value in the field “Alarm from value” at which you want to be informed (budget value)

  5. choose if you want your information to be net or gross value

  6. choose if the budget is monthly, quarterly or yearly

  7. choose as basis the invoice or service date

  8. select all users who should receive an e-mail notification about this alarm as recipients

  9. click on the Save button